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Door Entry Systems


You’ll pleased to know you won’t have to pay the King’s ransom to enjoy the benefits and peace of mind Guardor door entry systems will give you. Utilising the very latest biometric and smart card technology, our ‘live’ Guardor door entry system works in True Real-Time (TR-T) to keep your business premises and staff safe at all times. TR-T is one of Guardor’s power features.

Guardor’s software driven door entry systems does more than just keep out unwanted intruders. Part of our innovative TimeVue product range, Guardor provides the highest-level security solutions to everyday security concerns your business may encounter. Guardor door entry access systems can be tailored to meet your exact security requirements.

The control and management of people using a door entry system can at first seem complex no matter what size your business is. There are a few things you may wish to consider in terms of integration with other systems. For example, do you want to link your door entry system to your fire alarm? In the event of a fire, integration with a fire roll call system will automatically tell you who’s on site and even unlock pre-selected doors.

Consideration is needed as to the various types of door locking mechanisms that are available. This will depend on the construction of the door you wish to secure and level of security required. Our Cloud hosting services provides mobile access, allowing you to control and manage Guardor from any location or device.


Internal protection of assets and areas containing sensitive data such as IT rooms, will require a considered layer of security. Here, you may wish to employ a high security (‘fail secure’) lock that will render the door secure during a power outage. Typically this would be used with a mechanical override – a key for example. Other types of locks are the ‘fail safe’ variety, which require constant power to enable the door-magnets to lock the door. Door entry systems that require a fail safe solution, is commonly required at fire exits or on doors leading to designated emergency routes.

As for the outside world, passing opportunists seeking easy prey will certainly think twice when they see Guardor’s access readers fitted to your external doors. Delivering peace of mind that will make your staff feel relaxed & protected. Which of course all helps to create a more productive working environment that’s sure to boost employee morale.

Your exposure to risk often increases during quieter periods, for example; during the night-shift or times when staff numbers are low during the holiday season etc. Periods when the mood is more relaxed and can be caught off-guard. Guardor’s door entry systems ensure optimum security is always maintained – thanks to Guardor’s intelligent & powerful software features.

One such features that ensures the only relaxing going on will be you, feeling safe in the knowledge Guardor won’t ever let its guard down. During these periods, Guardor can be programmed to go into Extreme Security Protection mode (ESP), a heightened level of security can be automatically be initiated where Guardor can be made to behave a little more ‘guarded’ than usual. ESP is one of Guardor’s power features.

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Guardor PR-1
Guardor R1
Guardor R1 Double In and Out Readers
Gaurdor FR-1
Guardor FR-1 In & Out Fingerprint Readers
Gaurdor R-2
Guardor R-2 In & Out Readers
Guardor i-FR
Guardor i-FR In & Out Readers
Guardor Single Hand-Scanner
Guardor In & Out Hand-Scanner
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Guardor allows you to generate various activity reports by date & time range. Including individual location of employees. Who’s on / not on site, time spent on site or at any particular location. With our door entry access control system, you can restrict access by entrance area and / or employee status. But managers can be allowed to have full access to all areas 24/7, whereas employees can be given limited access at certain times, e.g. during weekdays say between 8am and 6pm.

Our unique Paired Access Surveillance System (PASS) is a clever feature that discourages employees from tailgating or deliberately allowing someone else to have access. Using Smart-Link, Guardor’s Night-watchman Active Security feature (NAS), has the ability to interface with your lighting system. Performing the same functions a night watchman would be employed to do during their security rounds. At night, Guardor becomes an active surveillance system that can automatically turn on / off lighting circuits or interface with other systems. NAS is one of Guardors power features.


When you issue visitors an access pass, our Guardor door entry system knows it’s not a pass to allow access to areas that will compromise their safety. To aid the administration of booking visitors, Guardor can be integrated with our Visitor Management System that allows you to pre-book visitor appointments. And for security and health & safety reasons, you can pre-set your visitor’s access levels prior to their visit to ensure a safe and pleasant experience. A variety of reports can also be generated in the same way as for employees. Security cards / fobs that aren’t returned or go missing can be blocked (and re-issued) at anytime.

Guardor – the ultimate door entry security system not only gives you closure to everyday security concerns, but to the challenges that are behind more doors than you imagine.



We listen

And we’ve been doing that for the past 30 years. So we think we’re pretty sharp here at facetime when it comes to understanding our customers needs. So whether you’re looking for an “off the shelf fix” or a “tailor made solution”. Our long and varied experience in the time and attendance industry and our own development team, allows us to offer a unique software development service in order to fulfil your bespoke programming requirements, or specific reports you may require no matter how complex or individual they may be. Our ability and willingness to help you succeed, we believe, is the cornerstone of our success and keeps customers coming back time and time again.

We help

Upon receiving your enquiry, we can arrange a free online software demonstration and a friendly informal discussion to ascertain your requirements. We’ll then send you a detailed quotation which will include our understanding of your expectations and what you require from our system. We offer onsite installation and software training or if you prefer, in some instances we can supply by mail order and provide remote installation and software training using online screen sharing & telephone support. With an average customer life span of 25 years, we hope our philosophy and approach will continue to create many more mutually beneficial relationships that will stand the test of time.

We support

To keep service support costs under control, we can provide keenly priced support agreements to ensure you always get the most from your new time and attendance, door access control, fire roll call or job costing system for many years to come. Ongoing support is provided by telephone or our online screen sharing service. Site visits are all covered too under our comprehensive service cover agreements. And for customers who want ease of use from any location across multiple devices and automatic updates, we can offer SaaS (Software as a Service) using our own UK based secure cloud hosted servers. So call us today – we’ll always take the time to listen, help & support you.

Trusted by

We've helped a multitude of business sectors, organisations including government institutions. Here's just a few of some well known names...

Manchester Central
Western Power Distribution
Bristol City Council
HM Government of Gibraltar
Clarks Village
RAF Cosford
Clarks Village Logo

“Facetime provides a time & attendance system that ‘measures-up’ at Clarks flagship shoe shop at Street, Somerset”

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